Elements of Company Law - Chapter 7A

 Chapter 7A  
Elements of Company Law

1. The term Company derived from the 
____________ words
a. English
b. French
c. Latin
d. Indian
2. Section __________ of the Companies Act, 1956 
defines the Company
a. 2
b. 3
c. 30
d. 31
3. Private company is defined in :
a. Section 3(1)(iii)
b. Section 2
c. Section 3(1)(ii)
d. None of the above
4. The main characteristics of a company are:
a. Corporate Personality
b. Common Seal
c. Perpetual Succession
d. All of the above
5. Salomon v. Salomon & Co. Ltd. 1897, AC 22 
established the principle of:
a. Corporate personality of company
b. Legality of company
c. Nationality of company
d. Meaning of company
6. Company will have fundamental rights:
a. True
b. False
c. Partly true
d. None of the above
7. An association for profit requires ______________ 
from the Central Government.
a. Registration 
b. Licence 
c. Certification 
d. None of the above
8. The features of a company do not include the 
a. It has corporate personality
b. It can sue and be sued
c. It has nationality 
d. It is a citizen of the country
9. A company is a:
a. Legal person
b. Juristic person
c. Artificial person
d. Any of the above
10. Lifting the corporate veil means :
a. Ignoring the corporate personality
b. Promoting corporate personality
c. Deciding corporate personality
d. Modifying corporate personality
11. A company may be :
a. Limited by shares
b. Limited by guarantee
c. Unlimited
d. Any of the above
12. A private company is one whose minimum paid up 
capital is:
a. Rs 1,00,000
b. Rs 5,00,000
c. Rs 10,00,000
d. Rs 100,00,000
13. A Government company is one where:
a. The Central Government holds 50% shares.
b. The Central and State Government hold 50% 
c. The Central Government holds 51% shares.
d. The Central Government holds more than 50%
14. The following is not a statutory company:
a. Reserve Bank of India
b. Life Insurance Corporation of India
c. Tata Steel Ltd
d. State Bank of India
15. For incorporation of a private company:
a. Minimum 2 persons required
b. Minimum 3 persons required
c. Minimum 5 persons required
d. Minimum 7 persons required
16. Maximum number required for a public company is :
a. 5
b. 10
c. 50
d. None
17. For incorporation of a producer company :
a. Minimum 3 persons required
b. Minimum 5 persons required
c. Minimum 7 persons required
d. Minimum 10 persons required
18. Subsidiary company means a company when 
another company holds:
a. 51% shares in that company
b. More than half of the shares of that other 
c. Controls the Board of Directors of that other 
d. Both (b) and (c)
19. A company incorporated outside India having a 
place of business in India shall file documents with 
the Central Government within:
a. 21 days
b. 30 days
c. 45 days
d. 90 days

20. State where the registered office is situated is given 
a. MOA
b. AOA
c. Prospectus
d. Any of the above
21. MOA to be signed by the:
a. Subscribers
b. Directors
c. Promotors
d. All of the above
22. MOA should be in form _____________ in 
case of company limited by shares
a. Table A
b. Table B
c. Table C
d. Table D
23. MOA should be in form ___________ in 
case of company limited by guarantee not having 
share capital.
a. Table A
b. Table B
c. Table C
d. Table D
24. MOA should be in form _________ in case 
of company limited by guarantee and having share 
a. Table A
b. Table B
c. Table C
d. Table D
25. MOA should be in form ___________ in case of a 
unlimited liability
a. Table A
b. Table B
c. Table E
d. None of these
26. E-Form 18 relates to :
a. Incorporation of company
b. Intimation of particulars of Directors
c. Intimation of registered office
d. Filing of miscellaneous documents
27. For incorporation of a company declaration is to be 
given by:
a. Power of Attorney Holder
b. Practising Company Secretary
c. Advocate of Supreme Court
d. (b) or (c)
28. Conclusiveness of Certificate of Incorporation is 
provided in Section:
a. 3
b. 17
c. 31
d. 35
29. The memorandum of association of the company 
a. The rules regarding the company
b. Charter of the company
c. Procedure of the management of the company
d. None of the above
30. .... Resolution is required to alter MOA.
a. Special
b. Ordinary
c. Two-third majority
d. None of the above
31. The object clause of a company can be changed by 
passing resolution:
a. By the Board of Director
b. By shareholders
c. By creditors
d. None of the above
32. Doctrine of ultra vires means :
a. Against the company
b. Outside the objects of the company
c. Illegal business
d. Wrong objects of the company
33. The articles of association of the company contains:
a. The rules regarding the company
b. Charter of the company
c. Procedure for internal management of the 
d. None of the above
34. Articles is defined in :
a. Section 2(1)
b. Section 2(2)
c. Section 2(3)
d. Section 2(12)
35. Which one of the following is the relation between 
the doctrine of constructive notice and indoor 
a. Constructive notice is contemporary to indoor 
b. Constructive notice is opposite to indoor 
c. Constructive notice and indoor management 
runs at par.
d. Constructive notice and indoor management are 
36. Application for registration of a company shall be 
made by filing:
a. E-Form 1
b. E-Form 2
c. E-Form 18
d. E-Form 32
37. A company in India is guided by the:
a. Constitution of India
b. Companies Act, 1956
c. SEBI Act, 1992
d. Stock Exchange Regulations
38. _________ conceives the idea of the business.
a. Promoters
b. Directors
c. Auditors
d. None of the above
39. _________ persons required for formation of a 
public company.
a. 7
b. 15
c. 21
d. None of the above
40. A private company can start business after 
a. Certificate of Incorporation
b. Certificate of Commencement
c. Licence from the Central Government
d. All of the above
41. Property of the company belongs to :
a. Company
b. Shareholders
c. Members
d. Promoters
42. Which company shares can be freely transferable:
a. Private Company
b. Public Company
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of the above
43. Minimum number of members in case of public 
company should be:
a. 1
b. 2
c. 5
d. 7
44. Minimum number of members in case of private 
company is:
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 5
45. Maximum numberof members in case of private 
company is:
a. 50
b. 100
c. 150
d. 200
46. Liability of a member in case of a private company 
a. Limited
b. Unlimited
c. Both (a) or (b)
d. None of the above
47. XYZ private company had reduced to a single 
member and continued business more than 6 
months. The company's liability will be:
a. Limited
b. Unlimited
c. Restricted
d. None of the above
48. Generally rights and obligations of the company are 
regulated in:
a. AOA
b. MOA
c. Prospectus
d. None of these
49. Which companies are exempted to add “Ltd.” or 
“Pvt. Ltd.” at the end of their name?
a. Private
b. Government
c. Defunct
d. Association not for profits
50. The companies which are formed under special 
charter granted by the king or queen of England are 
a. Statutory companies
b. Registered companies
c. Chartered companies
d. None of these.
51. The companies which are formed under special Act, 
are called as:
a. Chartered companies
b. Statutory companies
c. Registered companies
d. None of these
52. The companies formed under Companies Act, 1956 
are called as:
a. Chartered companies
b. Statutory companies
c. Registered companies
d. None of these
53. While calculating maximum limit in case of private 
company which of the following will not be included:
a. Employee + Member
b. Member + Employee
c. Member
d. None of these
54. Z Pvt. Ltd. is subsidiary of X Ltd. which is a public 
Company? Z Pvt. Ltd. is a :
a. Private Co.
b. PublicCo.
c. Government Co.
d. None of these
55. ________ is the conclusive evidence in case of 
company that statutory requirements have complied 
a. Certificate of Incorporation
b. Certificate of commencement of Business
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of the above

56. Public company Should start business after getting 
certificate of:
a. Incorporation
b. Commencement of business
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of the above
57. Companies are allotted a _________ by the MCA 
on registration
a. PAN
b. SIN
c. PIN
d. CIN

1 C 31 B
2 B 32 B
3 A 33 A
4 D 34 B
5 A 35 B
6 A 36 A
7 B 37 B
8 D 38 A
9 D 39 A
10 A 40 A
11 D 41 A
12 A 42 B
13 C 43 D
14 C 44 B
15 A 45 A
16 D 46 C
17 D 47 B
18 A 48 B
19 C 49 D
20 A 50 C
21 A 51 B
22 B 52 C
23 C 53 B
24 D 54 B
25 C 55 A
26 D 56 B
27 D 57 D
28 D
29 B
30 A

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